Charger by Hallmark Fireworks

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Charger by Hallmark Fireworks

Extending our range for the Hallmark brand we have decided to add Charger which is priced to suit all sized budgets. Charger is a fantastic straight firing cake packed with 125.4g of powder firing 19 shots from 20mm bore tubes. The effects from this beauty start with green-tipped comet tails bursting into huge white strobing dahlias accompanied by ruby red stars, this is followed by a flurry of golden willows surrounded by white strobing stars which then change to green strobing stars before the multi-shot finale of green dahlias surrounded by golden chrysanthemum crackle. The amazing effects from this cake and will make it a great addition to any sized display or a finale piece for a small garden display!!

More Information
Category TypeF2
Duration30 Seconds
Firing PatternStraight
Hazard Class1.4
Safety Distance8 metres
Shots Fired19
Tube Size20mm
Noise LevelHigh
Powder Weight125.4g
Reserve FuseNo
  • Brands: Hallmark
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